- /LGTImages/DestinationImagesBackup_20151020_BeforeDGImage migration/Hotels/Caribbean/Antigua/Galley Bay/images/New Images/

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8/1/2008 8:15 AM 50290 Deluxe Beachfront Room.jpg
8/1/2008 8:19 AM 59407 Deluxe Room Exterior.jpg
8/1/2008 8:12 AM 50075 Entrance to Galley Bay.jpg
8/1/2008 8:11 AM 47299 Galley Bay Lagoon.jpg
8/1/2008 8:07 AM 51862 Gaugain Cottage Pool.jpg
8/1/2008 8:13 AM 45048 Gaugain Cottage.jpg
8/1/2008 8:10 AM 41534 Lazy days.jpg
8/1/2008 8:02 AM 29758 Long Sandy Beaches.jpg
8/1/2008 8:05 AM 57361 Relax on the Beach.jpg
8/1/2008 8:18 AM 59656 Spa.jpg
8/1/2008 8:17 AM 54452 Suite Balcony.jpg
8/1/2008 8:04 AM 43109 Views across the Sea.jpg